A country affected by extreme poverty, HIV/AIDS and lack of opportunities, orphan kids of Tanzania need immediate help and support.

Work in Orphanage in Tanzania
Project Summary
A country affected by extreme poverty, HIV/AIDS and lack of opportunities, orphan kids of Tanzania need immediate help and support. Your participation in an orphanage project is not only appreciated by kids but also by orphanage administration. A good portion of participation fee directly goes to the orphanages which help them to run program smoothly. Orphanage work is a great project to share your love, passion, and help as it goes to people who need it the most. The Samaritan village in Arusha has been doing a great work in Tanzania for many years one. More projects organized by IFRE orphanage are located in Dar Es Salaam and Arusha.
There are no specific qualifications needed to join the orphanage volunteer project in Tanzania. However, volunteers are expected to be flexible and patient. You should have passion and love for children and believe you can act as a healthy role model.
Volunteers responsibilities
As a volunteer in the orphanage project in Tanzania, you will teach English (3-4 hours a day) in the orphanage or school (when the kids go to schools during the day). You will help kids to stay clean by helping them in brushing teeth, shower, and personal hygiene. In free time, mostly in evening, you organize games, drawing, singing, dancing, and other creative education and extra curricular activities. In the evening time, you will help kids to do homework, monitor academic progress, and make sure kids complete their next day’s homework. If you do not want to teach in the school during day time, then you can offer to take care of the children who stay at the orphanage (who can not go to school). Your help is also expected in dressing of kids, food distribution, kitchen, garden, cleaning and administrative work.